December 14, 2018

Cascadia’s 10-Year-Strong Partnership with PPS Meets Students Where They Are

Cascadia’s Child and Family Services program has been partnering with Portland Public Schools (PPS) for over 10 years. As Pari Mazhar, Clinical Director for Child & Family Services/ Refugee & Immigrants Services, explained, “Meeting kids and youth at school and connecting with teachers, school counselors and families is one of the most powerful ways of intervening in a student’s life, from a prevention perspective.”

This year, Cascadia and PPS’s partnership, which is always evolving, involves six Cascadia counselors providing services to students at Buckman Elementary, Bridger K-8, Jason Lee Elementary, Vernon K-8, Woodlawn Elementary, and Chief Joseph Elementary. Cascadia counselors are able to offer mental health services to students through the Oregon Health Plan and offer pre-engagement, staff meetings, and assistance for families without insurance coverage, thanks to additional funding from PPS.

“By being present in academic settings, we are providing a form of integrated care specific to youth and families, thus working to mitigate the long-term effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences,” said Mandi Hughes, the Child & Family Program Manager at Garlington, who serves students at Woodlawn Elementary each week.

— written by Emma Hodges, Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare, Internal Communications